
Fast Experience for Beginning Agility

Agility is a skill that when leveled up allows you to access new areas, use shortcuts throughout the world of Runescape, and be able to run longer without running out of energy. This is the method I found to be most effective.

Level 1-25
This part is sorta boring because you have to do a lot of training before you can access new areas. This part of the training doesn't have a lot of options for training methods either. I went to the Tree Gnome Stronghold and used the agility course there until I hit level 25. This part is kinda boring so listen to some music or keep yourself entertained somehow.

Level 25-35
For this part you will now have access to a few shortcuts and so on. Training by using shortcuts is rather slow at this level and so I would use this way I am about to show you. The Werewolf Agility Course is located in a small shack with a werewolf in it. It is in the Haunted Forest just southeast of Canifis. To enter you need a Ring of Charos(otherwise the werewolves don't like you) which is obtained by doing Creature of Frekenstrain quest) and at least level 25 agility. There is a course for level 60 but we're not there yet. Talk to the Skullball Boss to begin a round of Skullball.

SkullballSkullball is done by kicking a skull through goals (skeleton legs) and completing a whole lap around scoring on each goal (the track is shaped like a big circle). You have the option on "tap", "kick", "shoot", or "show-goal". Tap moves the ball 1 space, kick moves it 5, shoot moves it 10, and show-goal points out the goal to be scored upon on your mini-map. If I have observed correctly, I believe that passing through a goal or hitting a wall reduces the amount of spaces the ball will move by 1 space. If you get stuck in a corner, try rebounding the ball off the wall into open space. Finish the course by kicking the ball into a small hole in the wall at the end of the track. You will be given experience depending on your time. The most possible experience is 750 and the average time for people is generally 3-4 minutes. The longer you take after a certain time (I think 4 minutes) the more your experience reward is reduced.

Level 35
Congratulations you've made it here. You can now try out places like the Barbarian Course and as you probably realized at level 30, you can go to places like the Penguin Course and Agility Pyramid (some of these have requirements to participate). Have a good time running around for a lot longer than everybody else!

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