
Fast Experience for Beginning Agility

Agility is a skill that when leveled up allows you to access new areas, use shortcuts throughout the world of Runescape, and be able to run longer without running out of energy. This is the method I found to be most effective.

Level 1-25
This part is sorta boring because you have to do a lot of training before you can access new areas. This part of the training doesn't have a lot of options for training methods either. I went to the Tree Gnome Stronghold and used the agility course there until I hit level 25. This part is kinda boring so listen to some music or keep yourself entertained somehow.

Level 25-35
For this part you will now have access to a few shortcuts and so on. Training by using shortcuts is rather slow at this level and so I would use this way I am about to show you. The Werewolf Agility Course is located in a small shack with a werewolf in it. It is in the Haunted Forest just southeast of Canifis. To enter you need a Ring of Charos(otherwise the werewolves don't like you) which is obtained by doing Creature of Frekenstrain quest) and at least level 25 agility. There is a course for level 60 but we're not there yet. Talk to the Skullball Boss to begin a round of Skullball.

SkullballSkullball is done by kicking a skull through goals (skeleton legs) and completing a whole lap around scoring on each goal (the track is shaped like a big circle). You have the option on "tap", "kick", "shoot", or "show-goal". Tap moves the ball 1 space, kick moves it 5, shoot moves it 10, and show-goal points out the goal to be scored upon on your mini-map. If I have observed correctly, I believe that passing through a goal or hitting a wall reduces the amount of spaces the ball will move by 1 space. If you get stuck in a corner, try rebounding the ball off the wall into open space. Finish the course by kicking the ball into a small hole in the wall at the end of the track. You will be given experience depending on your time. The most possible experience is 750 and the average time for people is generally 3-4 minutes. The longer you take after a certain time (I think 4 minutes) the more your experience reward is reduced.

Level 35
Congratulations you've made it here. You can now try out places like the Barbarian Course and as you probably realized at level 30, you can go to places like the Penguin Course and Agility Pyramid (some of these have requirements to participate). Have a good time running around for a lot longer than everybody else!

Dragon Plate Body on Runescape

Will there ever be dragon plate body on runescape? I would really like to know what it would take to get Jagex to offer a new dragon plate body for members to buy. They did come out for the new dragon full helm, but they haven't said a peep about dragon plate body as I know of. Other things beside dragon pla.

I think they should also have a dragon pickaxe, too. It also would make a lot of sense to put dragon kite shield, dragon boots, dragon crossbow, and dragon claws on the list for weapons and/or armor to were when you are level 60 attack or strength (or level 60 range, for the crossbow, and level 80 mining, for the pickaxe).

Runescape is a lot of fun, and is a really interesting game, but other online gaming companies are catching up with Jagex, like Silkroad Online (I play that game too, but Runescape has better quests). I believe that if Jagex doesn't do anything soon, that Jagex will get in trouble with popularity by players.

A Guide to Runescape Moderators

With a game as large as Runescape, you need many dedicated people to police and protect the game from scammers and other bad people. This is where moderators come in. This guide will explain all about them.

With a game as large as Runescape, you need many dedicated people to police and protect the game from scammers and other bad people. This is where moderators come in. This guide will explain all about them.

Forum ModeratorsForum moderators, obviously are the people who police the forums. This is a voluntary job and these people do not get any incentives for what they do other than the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that they are helping keep Runescape running. They play the game like you do, so please don't beg them for free stuff they deserve to play the game in peace. To become a forum moderator you need to, obviously, be active on the forums. Post proper posts and follow the rules. All forum mods need to be paying members. The forum mods can ban you from using the forum for 24 hours. You will know if someone is a forum mod by checking to see if they have a green crown on their posts. This does not show up in game.

Jagex ModeratorsJagex Moderators are employed by Jagex and get paid for what they do. These people aren't usually seen in the game and if they are seen they are testing a bug. They don't earn their levels like we do, so it is possible to see a level 1 moderator. They can't trade or fight and they can ban people. You will know if someone is a Jagex mod by checking to see if they have a gold crown next to their name when they chat. If they don't have a gold crown they aren't Jagex moderators. To become a Jagex Moderator you need to be employed by Jagex. They will never ask for your details in game and they don't send you emails.

Player ModeratorsPlayer moderators do not get any incentives for what they do. They play the game just like we do, so don't beg them for stuff. They have a silver crown next to their name in chat. THey can issue 48 hour mutes and priority reports. They cannot ban. These people are picked by Jagex. Remember, there is no easy way to be picked as a mod. There are no scams that you can try and the only way to become a mod is to be picked by Jagex.

A Guide to Making a Runescape Pure

One of the most entertaining activities in Runescape is Pking. Pking stands for Player Killing. This is something a lot of players try to perfect. If a player is successful at pking, their money will come easily and they will become well known to many pkers but also feared in the wilderness.

In order to achieve the skill of becoming a pker, you must first create a pure. A pure usually has level 1 defense and has its combat stat high. There are usually three types of pkers.

A Melee pure you will be best off with level 1 defense, level 40 attack and at least level 40 strength

A range pure will have to have level 40 range or higher so that they can wear green d hide

A mage pure will usually have level 43 magic so that they can use death runes and hit 13

Pures usually have level 1 defense because the more defense levels you get the higher your combat level will be. For example, a level 50 melee player with level 30 defense will only be able to get level 55 strength and level 40 attack. A level 50 with level 1 defense will be able to get level 40 attack and level 69 strength. That means the defense person will hit 14 instead of 17 (these are both with strength potions).

Now that you have created a pure, you will be able to start pking. If you are new at pking you should find a trust worthy friend and fight with them for a while until you get the hang of when to eat and when to switch to your K.O. weapon.

There are many K.O. styles for different pures. For melee pures its best to use a rune two-hander. This weapon will allow you to hit 21 instead of 17 at level 69 strength.

For a ranger they can either level up their magic so that they can use it to K.O. someone, or get their melee up. Unfortunately there is no K.O. for mages unless they use a rune two-hander, but mages usually don't use melee that often seeing how their magic hits 16's at level 59 anyways.


Making Your First 500k GP

Throughout the beginning of the game, Runescape, the hardest task to earn will be earning your first 500k GP without having to cheat the system. If you want to earn this much is focused on getting this much GP or twice this much GP, then this guide will be perfect for you.

There's a little bit of everything from mining, cutting trees and even by making runes. Below, will be listed different types of things that you can do and the amount you need to do in order to get a step closer to the 500k GP goal.


(Above is a picture while mining. Simply use the World Map to find all the available places to mine.)

Requirement: You must have completed the Rune Mysteries Quest and have any kind of pickaxe in order to this step. The better the pickaxe is the sooner, you will be complete with this step. Also, you must have a mining level of at least 15.

Mining is many people favorite way of earning gold point's through Runescape. This of course is a great gold points earner so you would be able to benefit off this by taking the initiative to do this step. If you feel that this is not the right type of job for you, then simply skip this one and do the next thing. Please keep in mind that if you do skip this, then you would have to do twice the work on the next step to earn the 500k GP. Mine the following items and the listed amount for each item. Simply try to receive at least 250,000 GP through this to move on to the next step.

Iron Ores - Mine 2,500 Iron Ores..

Sell Each: 50 GP Each - Total: 125,000 GP

Rune Essences - Mine 4,170 Rune Essences.Sell Each: 30 GP Each - Total: 125,100 GP

You can find quick buyers by moving onto World 1-5 and going to a Varrock bank. Simply post that you are selling these and you should receive many people wanting to trade with you. Make sure that you take no less, then the suggested price stated above. You will most likely be tried to get ripped off by users trying to buy it for less but do not sell it if they are not paying the price listed above.


(Above is a picture while woodcutting a Yew tree. Simply use the World Map to find all the available places to woodcut trees.)

Requirement: You must have a woodcutting level of 60 in order to do this step.

Woodcutting is another big gold point earner in Runescape. It has been proven that many Runescape players are able to come up 1,000,000+ GP in less than a month so why not try this. The best way to earn gold points the quickest way is to work your way up to being able to cut Yew logs. These can be sold for around 200 GP each!

Yew Logs - Cut 1,250 Yew logs.

Sell Each: 200 GP Each - Total: 250,000 GP

You can find quick buyers by moving onto World 1-5 and going to a Varrock bank. Simply post that you are selling these and you should receive many people wanting to trade with you. Make sure that you take no less, then the suggested price stated above. You will most likely be tried to get ripped off by users trying to buy it for less but do not sell it if they are not paying the price listed above.

And now you're completed! Congratulations. You've earned 500k by working for it and not having to cheat the game out. Simply if you would like to do the woodcutting step or the mining step only, then simply do the step twice and you got 500k!

Making Money With Yew Logs

Throughout Runescape, making money is possible in millions of ways! Another way that you can make some quick money is through high alchemy and I mean you can make a lot of money when doing this. The other option is to get all the items and sell them. It may take some time to do but the amount of coins you get in return will be quite satisfying.

You can either high alchemy or low alchemy your items that you create but I suggest you to high alchemy all of them instead. Doing this will bring in more money and help you save more money at the same time. To start making real money with this, you must achieve the minimum requirements.Woodcutting: 60Fletching: 70Magic: 55Mining: 1Runecrafting: 44Crafting: 10

After achieving all of the requirements, complete the following the steps below to start making millions!

1.) You will start off by cutting 2,000 yews. It will take a while to get all of it but the best way to do it is cut 1,000 and then go to the next step. Once you complete all the steps, you can do it again.

2.) Now with your fletching high enough to cut yew longs, fletch all your logs to yew longs (u).

3.) Head over to Seers Village and pick up 2,000 flax.

4.) Take your 2,000 flax and spin them into bowstrings in the spinning wheel.

5.) Use the bowstrings with the yew longs (u) to make them into yew longs.(Skip this step if you prefer to sell your items instead at the end.)

6.) With your Runecrafting level high enough to make nature runes, you will need to head over to Varrock and mine enough rune essences to make 2,000 nature runes. Without these, you will not able to high alchemy anything.

7.) Have a fire talisman with you and then you are now done with getting all the items needed to high alchemy all your yew longs! You can either high alchemy or sell all the items needed to make them.

8.) High Alchemy 2,000 Yew Longs = 1,360,000

9.) 2,000 Yews = 660,0002,000 Bowstrings = 400,0002,000 Flax = 200,0002,000 Natures = 440,000Total = 1,700,000

10.) Above you can see your return for which you are choosing to do. I would highly suggest you to go with selling all the items since you can make a little more. In other hand, you can avoid having to search for buyers and high alchemy all the yew logs.

Congratulations on making your money the legal way! Repeat these steps again if you would like to be a multi-millionaire on Runescape!

Money Making Tips

Runescape is completely centered on making money and GP. You won’t get anywhere or have any fun unless you have a decent supply of gold. We want you to make cash as easy as possible, even if you are a newbie to RuneScape. So, we’ll teach you how to get progressively larger amounts of GP. If you’re a newbie, concentrate on the first few steps of this article. If you are a more experienced player, or even a seasoned veteran, skip to the end of this article. You may find a few tips that surprise you.

First, you need to start off small. We’ll teach you how to make sets of 30 GP each. Go to Karamja and ask Lutuhs for a quick job. Luthus is a nice guy and so he’ll give you a job of getting bananas and putting them into crates. For each crate you fill, you make a cool 30 GP. Make sure that you go back to him to get your payment. You can fill up as many crates as you want. We recommend filling up 10-100 crates. After you have 300 to 3000 GP, you’ll have easier methods of making money.

Now you have some cash, you should retrieve some flak. You can either buy it or get it yourself. Turn it into a bow string. Bow strings sell anywhere from 100-200 GP each, and you’ll probably be adding 50 GP to your bank account for each sale that you make. You can repeat this process in large numbers, but it’s probably best to move on after a while.

Now, hopefully, you have some decent money and can buy a weapon or two. Good, because you’ll need them for this next one. This one is pretty to understand. Find Lesser Demons. Kill them. You can use pretty much any rune weapon against these demons, but my personal favorite is the axe. Demons have a low defense level, so it should only take a minute or two to finish them off. Make sure that you have food though! Lesser demons tend to drop great items, like mith chains and more. You can keep these for yourself, or sell them off for a nice profit.

Now, you are ready to make some serious cash. You’re going to pick up easy runes. Get into the wilderness, and make sure that you’re armed. You won’t need to fight much for this, but things tend to die in the wilderness. Get into the East Runes. It must be the East Ruins! Now, look at your map. Notice a color difference? Walk around the border of the color difference, and avoid any random giants that are coming. Now, you’ll see red dots on your map as you walk. These items are chaos runes, and they are literally everywhere. If you’re really lazy, you can find one, pick it up, and wait 15 seconds for it to regenerate.Or, you can keep walking around the color border. Pick up some quick cash from there.

Thanks for reading! Good luck!

Making Money in Runescape

There are several ways of making money one Runescape. To you, some of these ways may be fun to you and others might not be fun. This article will show you all the ways that you can earn money so at the end; you can choose which one you prefer. Everyone has their likes so this will help you choose yours. There are two parts to this guide and the first part displays how members only can make money on Runescape and the second part displays how both members and non members can make money on Runescape. If you want to start earning Runescape money really quicker, then becoming a member is what you need to do!

Members Only

Picking Up Flax:

1. Absolutely nothing is needed to be able to pick up flax. Go over to Camelot and go down to the Flax area where there's only flax there and start picking them up. Keep going back and forth to the bank.

(Area where you can find flax to pick up.)

2. Make sure your inventory is empty to make it quicker to get 1,000 flax. Once you have collected 1,000 flax, then go to the same bank which is nearby the flax area and sell your flax's for 100 gold coins each. A total of 100k is earned for just picking up some flax

Spinning Flax into Bow Strings:

You must have a crafting level of 10 in order to spin flax. If you have a crafting level of 10, then you can start off by either purchasing 1k flax from someone or by picking them up. Buying these will make you save more time and at the same time still make profits. The profits are less though. Simply once you have your flax take them to the spinning wheel and spin them. Go back and forth doing this and after a few trips, you will be completed. Sell your bow strings for 180-200 each, ending you up with 180-200k profits. If you had bought the flax, then your profit will be 80-100k for spinning them.

Woodcutting (Maples):

1. Get a woodcutting level of 45 to cut maples.

2. Go down to the Camelot which has maple trees right across from it. These trees are very close to the bank so it won't take long to walk to the bank.

3. Cut 1,000 maple logs and sell them to other members for 80-100 each. Total will be 80k-100k for all of them!

Woodcutting (Magics):

1. To be able to start cutting magics, you will need a level of 75 which is the highest to cut any tree.

2. Take a rune axe and start cutting them. You can get bored off of cutting as it takes longer than yews to cut.

3. Cut 1,000 magic logs and sell them. Each log is worth 1k! That's a lot of money.

4. Once completed sell them at the bank to other members and earn 1,000,000 Gold coins!

Members/Non Members

Woodcutting (Willows):

1. Get a woodcutting level of 30 to cut willows.

2. Go down to Lumbridge and cut 1,000 willow logs. The bank is right next to you so this makes it quick and easy to store them up.

3. Once you have 1,000 willow logs, then go ahead and sell them for 30 coins each and easily get 30k gold!

Woodcutting (Yews):

1. After cutting so many logs and having your woodcutting level become 60, you can now cut Yew logs!

2. Get a rune axe and find somewhere where there is a Yew tree that has a bank right next to it to make the traveling time shorter.

3. Start cutting Yew trees to get some logs. You will need to collect a about 3,500 of them.

4. Once completed, take all these logs to the bank and sell them to the other members. You can sell all these for 1,000,000 gold coins! Yea, that is a lot of zeros.

Steel Bars:

1. Steel bars are used to make things such as armour. You are going to have a minimum of a mining level of 30 to be able to mine iron ores and coal.

2. Start out by mining 2,000 coal since this is the hardest part. Once done with this, go ahead and start cutting 1,000 iron ores.

3. Take your iron ores and coal to the furnace and smelt them into steel bars. When completed, you should have a total of 1,000 steel bars.

4. Head over to a bank in Falador and sell each steel bar for 500 coins each! You should have a total of 500k when you sell all of them.

There are plenty of different ways to make money by combat since there are a ton of things to fight. Try fighting the monsters that drops good items and then resell these items. Also, sell when you have a lot of that items. If you are fighting wizards and you keep getting runes, then keep fighting until you have about 500-1,000 runes of each. This will not only benefit you in getting more money but also in your combat levels also.

Mining Iron Ores:

1. Locate the iron rocks in Varrock and start mining them.

2. Mine as much as 1,000 iron ores. This may take time but it's worth it at the end.

3. When your done, take them to one of the bank in Varrock and sell them for 50 gold coins each bringing you a total of 50,000 gold once sold.

Collecting Seeds:
1. Take an axe and find willow or yew trees. You can pick others but these are more effective when looking for seeds.

2. Now keep cutting trees and you will find out that bird nests usually falls out of the trees.

3. Store all you're logs and seeds in the bank. Once you have a lot of them, then sell them all. Seeds are worth a lot so search before you actually sell them to make full profits.

4. Not only will you make money from the seeds but also in the logs too.

(Seeds are worth around 1k-200k each.)

Making Armour:

1. Create as much bars as you can of any kind. The best possible that you can make would always be the best one to create.

2. Take them to Anvil and smith you're bars into armour. Trying making the armours in sets so that it can be easier to sell to people.

3. The prices will vary depending on what kind of armour you make, but if you do make a lot of sets then you can end up with a good junk of money.

These are a few ways that you can make money on Runescape when you are not a member. If you are a member, then you can read part two of this article for ways to make money on a members world.

Second Article (Real Money)
You see a lot of sites selling Runescape gold on the Internet nowadays. It opens up a lot of opportunities for players too, instead of players grinding and using a lot of time making gold pieces in-game to buy the next best weapon, or armour, they could just buy gold online – much quicker, much more efficient.

This also opens up opportunities to players to make some real cash too.

These sites also buy gold pieces of players, so if you find a way of making a lot of gold pieces, then you could sell them to these sites and make some profit. Merchanting is a quick and easy way of making money (check our merchanting guide), but it does require some initial investment.

Runescape gold sites normally buy gold pieces in millions, from around $2.99+ per million. This sounds like rubbish money for a million gold pieces, but it’s actually pretty easy to make a lot of gold once you reach your few hundred thousand gold pieces.

Not only to these Runescape gold sites buy gold pieces, but they also buy characters as well. If you have a character that is of a high level in a lot of skills, then you could probably get a decent price for it on one of these sites. The best thing to do is offer your character for sale, and see which site will offer the most for it. The problem with this is selling your character like this is actually against Runescape’s TOS, so they can ban you for it.

I would recommend you use merchanting in order to make a lot of GP (when I say a lot, I mean in the hundred millions), then sell around half of it to the Runescape gold sites, and then use the other half to make more money again through merchanting.

If you get it right, you can actually make quite a bit out of this method, but mastering merchanting can be a little tricky at times. Sometimes, you can’t find the item you want at the right price, or no one buys your items at the price you set for a long while – don’t worry, tweak your sales prices until you get the right amount where you can easily buy and sell items when merchanting.

One tip when making money in Runescape is to be wary when selling your gold to people. Always find a reputable Runescape gold merchant before selling to them.

Have patience and good luck in your money-making adventures!

Here you can find answers to this questions:

  • How to make a lot of money as a member?
  • How to make money fast on runescape?
  • How to make money being a member on runescape?
  • How to make a lot of money on runescape quick?
  • How to make a lot of gold on runescape?
  • How to make millions on runescape?
  • How can i get a lot of money in one money in runescape?
  • How to make lots of gold for nonmembers?
  • How to make a lot of money on runescape for members?
  • How to make runescape money?
  • How to get a lot of money in runescape when your not a member?
  • How do you earn money if you have no money in runescpae?
  • How to make good money in rs if your not a member?
  • How to make tons of runescape money on runescape?
  • How to make easy money?

Runescape Monkey Madness Quest

Complete guide on how to complete the Monkey Madness quest on Runescape.

Start: Begin by speaking to King Narnode Shareen in the Grand Tree.
Skills:The ability to defeat a level 195 Demon.
Recommended Skills:Level 43 Prayer and 40 Magic or Ranged.
Quests:Tree Gnome Village and Grand Tree.

What You Need:Armor and Weapons, Anti poison Potions, Prayer Potions, lots of food, method of teleportation, a Gold Bar, a Ball of Wool and Karamja monkey remains or bones.
Recommended Items:Teleportation method (Ring of Dueling or charged Amulet of Glory), Prayer Gear (Initiate or Proselyte armor).

Runescape Items

Runescape is a simple and free game played by millions of people and one of the most enjoyable parts of it is collecting all the Runescape items that are available. There are literally thousands upon thousands of items to collect in Runescape. Some are obviously more valuable, rare and prized than others. There are even items that no longer are able to be created which has created a whole industry of specific Runescape item trading in itself. This is the Runescape rare item market consisting of things like party hats, santa hats, holloween masks plus a few other items that are so sort after that it costs millions of Runescape gold to just buy one of these items.

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Skype Used to Hack Runescape Accounts

I just read an article that highlighted the dangers to having your Runescape account hacked via the use of instant messenger services and VOIP services like Skype. The articles suggests that during Septmeber there was an increased prevelance in the use of a worm that was spread via users’ Skype contact lists that installed a keylogger onto unsuspecting users compters which allowed the source of the keylogger the ability hack Runescape accounts:

A variant of the Bubbles Worm spread through Skype contacts in mid-September,
targeting teenagers that play Runescape with a keylogger to track everything a
user does on the PC.

After I read this article I thought it was appropriate for me to write a post about the potential dangers that you expose your Runescape account to if you use IM or VOIP services, particularly if have a lot of users on your contact lists that you don’t know well. So just make sure that when you are using such services that you do know who you are talking to and that you have you virus protection on and if you do accept and files that you scan them first before you install them to make sure they aren’t malicious.

It is also prudent to note that 80% of all hacked Runescape accounts were hacked by someone that the account owner knew. So don’t just trust people because you think they are your friends, especially if you don’t know them in person.

Why Do Hackers Target Runescape Accounts?

Now that we understand more about the popularity of Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, and especially the popularity of Runescape, it is obvious why so many people are interested in hacking Runescape accounts. However, what is the final intention of creating hacking programs for Runescape?

Hackers are strange persons. Their motives can be varied, depending on their alignment. There are white hackers (people who hack computers for ethical reasons, e.g. help corporations with their security systems), black hackers (individuals who hack computers in order to obtain a benefit for themselves), and grey hackers (persons who walk a mid-line between white and black hackers, depending on their mood, or their need for money).

So, they can do it for obtaining a personal benefit. For example, they may detect a Runescape character that has a high level and a lot of valuable items. They may hack it in order to steal them their belongings and use them for their own character. Of course, there is no court to appeal to. There isn’t a legal frame that protects people from these kinds of acts. Yet.How Are Runescape Accounts Hacked?Hacking on Runescape can come from different sources. One of them is by the use of determined programs, for example, a Runescape file that has been tampered and hanged up in a download site. All the victims who download it can be the subjects of intrusion by a hacker.

Spyware is another mean to hack your Runescape account. A specially designed program could be installed, without your knowledge, in your computer. This program will store in a file all the keys that you digit while using your PC. After determined amount of data has been collected, the program will send the info back to its creator. Simple but devious.

How Can I Prevent Runescape Hacking?

Runescape hacking programs and Runescape hacking tools are easy to access. The question is how can you protect yourself? The first measure is to have your web browser, and your computer software, up to date. Security weaknesses can be exploited from almost any piece of software loaded by your computer.

Another step that you need to take is to assure yourself that you have installed a firewall, an anti-spyware program and an antivirus, running in real time. The lack of any of these three can be an open invitation for any hacker who wants to steal your character’s equipment and treasure.

Another important measure is to be careful from where do you download the game. Use only official sites. Avoid strange mirror sites or downloads from peer-to-peer file sharing programs like Kazaa, EMule or even BitTorrent. You may not know if the program was tampered or not.

Unfortunately, hacking Runescape accounts isn’t very difficult. All you need is some computer skills and a web browser in order to find the instructions for doing so. Or you can use one of the many hacking programs for Runescape that are available for free. So, be alert and beware of the numerous hackers that are lurking the web.

Make Millions On Runescape Without Runescape Cheat

Did you know you can make money on Runescape without Runescape Cheat? In this guide, you will discover the secrets to make money without using RunescapeCheat. These are ideas that the high-level Runescape players do not want you to know. You will learn to make millions without using Runescape Cheat.

Let us now get to the essence and learn how you can make millions on Runescape without Runescape Cheat.

* You can cut logs and cut better and better logs as you gain levels. The better the log the more money you can get from each one. Easy money and no Runescape Cheat.

* Cutting down magic trees is another way of making money without using Runescape Cheat. However, they are hard to cut down. However, remember each magic tree will sell for at least 1000 each, and a fletched magic long bow is worth about 4000.

* Mine coal and iron. Smelt them together to make a steel bar. Most people smith steel bars into plate bodies and high alchemy them. Each plate body sells for 1,200. I would only recommend smithing and high alchemizing steel plate bodies, if you wanted to improve your magic and smithing levels. Otherwise sell the steel bars themselves. This is an excellent way of making money on Runescape without Runescape Cheat.

* Go to the South East of Seer’s Village and pick flax until your inventory is full. Then take it North West to the small building, two buildings south from the bank. Go upstairs and spin the flax on the west side of the room, you will craft them into bow strings. Each sells for 150 gold. This is for members only and does not use Runescape Cheat.

* For those of you with +70 range, kill some blue dragons down at Taverly Dungeon, or even better get 70 agility and you will get to the dragons in less than 15 secs from the bank down to the dragons. Each dragon drops about 4,500-5,000 worth of stuff unless you get a rare item. This consists of 1 dragon bone and 1 dragon hide guaranteed per kill. One dragon bone is worth from 2,000-2,800, and one dragon hide is 2,000 each. This is a great way of making money without Runescape Cheat and if you’re not afraid of dying from the dragons.

* Vial Running is for members only. For vial running you have to finish Shilo Village Quest. Once have done that go to Shilo Village bank and take out 4,000. After that run to the general store right beside the bank and buy all the vials of water. Keep doing this and switching worlds. Once you have 1,000 vials of water go on herblore forums and look for a buyer. No Runescape cheat, only money!

* A members only tip. Ensure you have completed the Priest in Peril Quest. Go to the clothing shop in the werewolf town and buy lots of gold gloves for about 1,500-2,500. Go to the bank and deposit them. Finally go to Verdock and log onto a non-member world and sell the gloves anywhere from 3,000-9,000 and you have a profit! All easy money without any Runescape Cheat.

* Save up 200k then go to world one, for Free to Play members, or world two for Pay to Play members, and buy things that are selling lower than its market price, and then try and find a buyer that is willing to pay what it is worth or more. This is called merchanting. To do this well you need to keep up to date with market prices. This is possibly the best way to make money in Runescape without using Runescape Cheat.

This guide will help you make money regardless of your combat level and / or starting money. The most important thing is that you will not be using any Runescape Cheat. Read this thoroughly to learn the secrets of making money without jeopardizing your game or using Runescape Cheat

Money Making Guide for High Levels


As I have already explained this guide is for the experienced and high level players. I have composed this guide from over 2 years experience on the game and have decided to release this guide to you.

The secrets
Mining, requirements, 55 mining, 50 smithing and patience! Firstly, go into the dwarf mines and over to the iron rocks and mine 500 iron ore, going backward and forwards to the bank. This should take about 1-2hours (depending on your level.) Then go over to any coal rocks, and mine 1,000 coal ore, please be patient; this should take 5-7 hours depending on your level and the amount of people there. Now, more patience, put everything into your bank (armour, everything) and withdraw 10 iron and “all coal” then go to the furnace. Smelt these into steel bars. Keep repeating this until all of your iron and coal ores are used up. You should now have 500 steel bars. You may now proceed to world 1 if you do not wish to continue mining to get more to sell. Go to Falador’s east bank. Outside you can say selling steel bars 600gp each, or there is always someone buying them (it may be 550each though) 500 steel bars is roughly 300k.

To make even more money from mining you can try to better way. This requires 60 mining, 50 smithing, and 43 magic. Enter the mining guild and mine mithril rocks. Then mine some coal. Cast superheat item on the mithril ore to make mithril bars. You can normally get 20 - 22 bars per inventory (after mined all coal and mithril smelted and did again) Bank these. Repeat quite a lot of times. I normally get 500 before I start selling. With your 500 mithril bars, go to world 1 and sell at the same place for 1500gp each, some people will only buy 1400gp each. You will make about 700k-750k!

Crafting is a good way. To craft for profit you need 50 crafting, 49 magic and 40 mining. Firstly you can buy rubies 1500gp each at Falador’s East bank in world 1, or u can mine gold until you get a healthy supply of them I prefer to buy. Mine a lot of gold ore and smelt them into bars. Then make ruby amulets. And enchant. They u can go to Varrock west bank and sell. Normally people purchase 2,000gp-2,500gp each.

A healthy rate of income is what is made from these techniques. The more you do it, to more cash you get!! You also should have got quite a few mining, smithing, mage and crafting levels by the end of all of that with about 1million gp on runescape!!

By the time you have finished using the techniques in this guide; you should be a millionaire and not be a middle ranked person anymore. It will take time to finish but you won’t become a millionaire over night, no matter what anyone says. I hope I have helped you and you can be like me, an expert to non-member Runescape!

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Free Runescape Account

Free Runescape Account - Runescape Success

One of the things that differentiates Runescape from most other MMO games is the sheer fact that it was built off its success as a free market. Runescape were the first to introduce the two style play of both free account and paying account version of their game where a large proportion of the game is able to be played with a free account yet if players are willing, they are able to pay a small monthly fee of $5 to receive all the benefits of being a member.

Free Runescape Accounts versus Paying Members

So what are the perks of being a member rather than just having a free Runescape account? Well the biggest difference is the sheer amount of things to do as a member. There are more skills, loads more quest more ways to earn Runescape gold and many more lucrative item and gold drops from many of the creatures that are found in the member’s version of Runescape.

Offering Free Runescape Accounts for How Long?

Is the creation of the pay to play Runescape account option a sign of the inevitable future of Runescape going completely commercial? Whilst most MMO are based on some form of pay to play model Runescape seems to have successful marketed their subscription version such that it can both cater for both free account users and member accounts whilst still offer a relatively continual flow of updates and developments for paying customers. In addition to this Jagex has used this model of two style of play successful for three years now without ever hinting of a complete removal of the free version of the game and as such it would be expected that they will continue to offer free Runescape accounts for the foreseeable future.

How to get your Free Runescape Account

So if you are looking for you free Runescape account all you have to do is signup and register your account over at www.runescape.com the signup process only takes a few moments, and after completing Runescape’s tutorial island you will be well on your way to understand the complex game of Runescape.

Buying Unwanted Runescape Accounts - Accounts for Sale

In the last year or two there has been increasing demand for Runescape accounts and Runescape gold, and with anything in life, if there is demand and it can be supplied at a profit people will more than likely be willing to oblige by selling their product or service. In this case of Runescape accounts there seems to always be Runescape accounts for sale on eBay along with Runescape gold and items, but be warned not only are the majority of such auctions fraudulent attempts to scam buyers of their money they are also against Runescape usage policy which stipulates that there is to be no real world trading for Runescape accounts or in-game gold or items. So even if you were able to purchase an account Jagex itself would most likely be ban that account if it managed to work out that it was purchased illegitimately. So whilst many of the offers may seem tempting you are much better off just to create your own free Runescape account and play the game for fun and enjoyment whilst developing your character along the way.

How to Get Free Runescape Gold

You know the feeling. You join RuneScape and you offer ridiculously low prices for items, because you don’t have enough money. Then, you are called a newb or a noobie by the other players. To gain respect and fame in the world of Runescape, you need to be wealthy and powerful. And power comes with money. So, in essence- all you need a good supply of gold, but that is easier said than done. We’ll explore some ways to get free gold, and some extremely easy ways to get gold.

» First, many websites claim to get you free gold if you enter a credit card number with no obligations. This is a FRAUD. They will charge you extravagant amounts and you will get no gold. You may as well purchase gold rather than falling for these schemes. However, you can get gold to refer people to these sites. For example, if you refer 10 people to RSloads.com you will get 10K. It actually works, and it’s a fairly easy method. These ten people just have to express interest in the site.

» There are some ways to get gold that are against the JagX terms of service. We don’t recommend or endorse these methods, but you can find them with a simple Google search. Some of these programs are called hacks, autoers, or macros. They make your player play for you automatically, and you just need to leave the program running and your computer on. These programs can increase your levels quickly and generate gold and items for you in a painless fashion

» You can also get easy gold with various tasks. When you’re starting out, you need to complete quests, get raw materials, or work for someone else or an automated character. For example, there is a place where you have to load bananas into crates, and you get 30 gold for each completed crate. This is the easiest ‘legal’ way to get gold. You can mine rune and metals or cut down trees or complete quests.

» Once you have some gold to start off with you can start a business. Basically, you will buy materials in bulk at cheap prices. Then, you will resell them at higher prices. To get the best prices for bulk buying, go to less populated worlds. When you are selling, go to world 1. Over there, the prices are always extremely high because of the scarcity of items and the amount of players that connect to that server. Eventually, as you work your way up, you’ll need to make some constant business contacts. It takes time and effort to find a new buyer and a new seller each time you need cash. With pre-established customer and vendor relationships, you can easily generate gold in the minimum amount of time.

Remember that the best way to get gold is to work for it. You’ll feel the great feeling of making your own cash, but often, if you use automated software and ‘illegal’ methods, you will lose interest in the game. Remember that the point of the game is to have fun. Good luck, and remember that this guide is here to get you through.

Free Runescape Gold For You

It’s very interesting in how to get free Runescape gold while you may get them in some another way. Things go like this:

You may get Runescape gold from other players while they have high level character. If you have a low character and others may do you a favor to send you few M, but usually will not so much .Someone may offer you a little kind of gears and items as well.

You may purchase a mount of gold while the website has so much to provide you, meanwhile, you may get extra via discount when you purchased. There are so many websites sold Runescape gold now, some of them may give a discount now or later. If you make a right choice on right time, the gold you will get more then ever you thought, and you may say that extra is for free. It has a good instance if you purchase on USFINE(www.usfine.com), they provide you low price with different options while you tend to purchase, and the extra discount may charming you in those overflow.

In addition, you may get free Runescape gold via some unfair way which is bad behavior in the game. The way to get gold extra in wrong way will some others slap on you, so we suggest you had better gain more gold in you yourself hard work or purchase on such website like USFINE who may provide you gold in cheap price. RS will bring you happy when is comes to the game’s meaning.

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It’s very interesting in how to get free Runescape Money while you may get them in some another way. Things go like this:

You may get Runescape Money from other players while they have high level character. If you have a low character and others may do you a favor to send you few M, but usually will not so much .Someone may offer you a little kind of gears and items as well.

You may purchase a mount of gold while the website has so much to provide you, meanwhile, you may get extra via discount when you purchased. There are so many websites sold Runescape gold now, some of them may give a discount now or later. If you make a right choice on right time, the gold you will get more then ever you thought, and you may say that extra is for free. It has a good instance if you purchase on USFINE(www.usfine.com), they provide you low price with different options while you tend to purchase, and the extra discount may charming you in those overflow.

In addition, you may get free Runescape gold via some unfair way which is bad behavior in the game. The way to get gold extra in wrong way will some others slap on you, so we suggest you had better gain more gold in you yourself hard work or purchase on such website like USFINE who may provide you gold in cheap price. RS will bring you happy when is comes to the game’s meaning.

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